Get Started with Wanchain

Quick Start

For the web3.js library, you can create a local Web3 instance and set the provider to connect to Wanchain (HTTP are supported):

const Web3 = require('web3'); //Load Web3 library
//Create local Web3 instance - set Wanchain as provider
const web3 = new Web3(""); 

For the ethers.js library, define the provider by using ethers.providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(providerURL, {object}) and setting the provider URL to Wanchain:

const ethers = require('ethers');

const providerURL = "";
// Define Provider
const provider = new ethers.providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(providerURL, {
    chainId: 888,
    name: 'wanchain'

Any Ethereum wallet should be able to generate a valid address for Wanchain (for example, MetaMask).

Chain ID

The Wanchain Mainnet chain ID is: 888, testnet chain ID is: 999.

Block Explorers

For Wanchain, you can use any of the following block explorers:

Connect MetaMask

If you already have MetaMask installed, you can easily connect MetaMask to Wanchain:

If you do not have MetaMask installed, or would like to follow a tutorial to get started, please check out the Interacting with Wanchain using MetaMask guide.

If you want to connect MetaMask by providing the network information, you can use the following data:
