Differences between Wanchain and Ethereum

Since Wanchain started as a fork of Ethereum, it shares much of the same structure and features as Ethereum. However, Wanchain adds two new key features.

These features, and the need to make Wanchain distinct from Ethereum, required a couple changes in the core stucture that developers need to take into consideration when building Dapps.

Txtype Field Added to Transaction

To facilitate privacy transactions a new field has been inserted in the transaction format called Txtype. This field can currently contain two values:

This change, although quite small, has a big impact on libraries that create transations.

Change in Address Checksum

The checksum of an Ethereum address was introduced by Vitalik in EIP-55. To minimize the risk of collisions between Ethereum and Wanchain addresses, the checksum was changed. This ensures that when using checksummed addresses the chances of accidentally using a Wanchain address on Ethereum and vice versa is minimized.

The checksum calculation for Ethereum looks like this:

exports.toChecksumAddress = function (address) {
  address = exports.stripHexPrefix(address).toLowerCase()
  var hash = exports.sha3(address).toString('hex')
  var ret = '0x'

  for (var i = 0; i < address.length; i++) {
    if (parseInt(hash[i], 16) < 8) {
      ret += address[i].toUpperCase()
    } else {
      ret += address[i]

  return ret

The checksum calculation for Wanchain is changed to instead:

exports.toChecksumAddress = function (address) {
  address = exports.stripHexPrefix(address).toLowerCase()
  const hash = exports.sha3(address).toString('hex')
  let ret = '0x'

  for (let i = 0; i < address.length; i++) {
    if (parseInt(hash[i], 16) >= 8) {
      ret += address[i].toUpperCase()
    } else {
      ret += address[i]

  return ret

So basically convert the address to hex, but if the ith digit is a letter (ie. it’s one of abcdef) print it in lowercase if the 4*ith bit of the hash of the lowercase hexadecimal address is 1 otherwise print it in uppercase.

Change in Wallet Keyfile

The wallet file for Wanchain is different from an Ethereum wallet.

Ethereum Wallet

  "version": 3,
  "id": "9a6ed622-daf7-45a2-977d-f938f9aca9af",
  "address": "2ee9e1513fec2344d4189c81b995734939e71ffc",
  "crypto": {
    "ciphertext": "0d903045538834aef35a597e1a1643c6aca89ebdf5ff78ae00f54865ca4b1837",
    "cipherparams": {
      "iv": "577abe28501c41d2f585e97e3e4b3313"
    "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
    "kdf": "scrypt",
    "kdfparams": {
      "dklen": 32,
      "salt": "8abca9a67c9006b26bfa894c505ec9568fc2fccc65628d405a061117ece8f1e3",
      "n": 131072,
      "r": 8,
      "p": 1
    "mac": "6370c3eb5cf39992fb4b9b8077532d4fe2970afd1d58052c82dfe650815414de"

Wanchain Wallet

  "version": 3,
  "id": "817fdbdc-d48f-4bf9-af35-29afb1513dca",
  "address": "C01984f48888ec2026359A80D502890e501d4e28",
  "crypto": {
    "ciphertext": "3cb58b2beee11c91bd3f36da5f5efd72d719c539dc978be1791cd7731318a936",
    "cipherparams": {
      "iv": "2e3d7d475b5b80f566dddef6d761234c"
    "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
    "kdf": "scrypt",
    "kdfparams": {
      "dklen": 32,
      "salt": "99fc3d8833878ab602f32ebf811049d6cd204fb4e1bfdd5a57cccb3c651ad8ef",
      "n": 8192,
      "r": 8,
      "p": 1
    "mac": "3d58fcd1cb5129e5db13e95a13fcbdbe5547105e49d90d9467a9fb35b2dacfd3"
  "crypto2": {
    "ciphertext": "39318a4e976bab7942e084acbb3a56e50821535bb2826857b9b10bd700211ac8",
    "cipherparams": {
      "iv": "ec1831e036ab3a04674504b18bfa950e"
    "cipher": "aes-128-ctr",
    "kdf": "scrypt",
    "kdfparams": {
      "dklen": 32,
      "salt": "c8e5f5b842c0af00c50f33b52818439e61c9fe5b7f254153c0279d9585a17d00",
      "n": 8192,
      "r": 8,
      "p": 1
    "mac": "a6d504a6b73c33bc99a34041b7676ed070bc06cc600b2b3b8e076e6bf873cde3"
  "waddress": "02404cc6c1b888b0050bb06683faf89325267d0e6b21d070a9cda363525fed30630263ed50506e25db5a4720a980288f10af1b4b346db585377ccc2d2c8c48f9cd2a"

As you can see above there is another object called crypto2 as well as a waddress entry. The waddress is your private address and the crypto2 object contains the second private key needed to create the one-time addresses. The wallet is backwards compatible with Ethereum though, so you could use a Wanchain wallet on both Ethereum and Wanchain.