Now that we’ve successfully done an inbound Bitcoin cross-chain transaction, we can now do an outbound transaction.
Start by creating a new script file.
$ vi wbtc2btc.js
The set up portion of the script will be mostly identical to the one in the
script covered above.
const WanX = require('wanx');
const Web3 = require('web3');
const keythereum = require('keythereum');
const bitcoinRpc = require('node-bitcoin-rpc');
const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
const moment = require('moment');
const utils = require('./utils');
Next, set up an RPC connection with the bitcoin node, making sure to fill in the correct address, port, and RPC username and password. Also, since the default timeout for the bitcoin RPC package is quite low and can cause problems, go ahead and increase that to 2 seconds.
const btcNode = [ 'localhost', 18332, '<btcuser>', '<btcpassword>' ];
Then set up WanX, as well as Web3, which like before we’ll use for communicating with the Wanchain node.
const config = {
wanchain: { url: 'http://localhost:18545' },
const wanx = new WanX('testnet', config);
const web3wan = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(config.wanchain.url));
For outbound transactions there are a couple of additional details that we need
to add. First, in the opts
object, the to
now should be the receiving
Bitcoin address, and the from
should be the sending Wanchain account. The
should be derived from the from
account. Also, since to redeem
you will need to spend the Bitcoin that are placed into the P2SH lock address,
the opts
should include the WIF of the private key for the redeeming Bitcoin
The redeeming Bitcoin address actually does not need to have any funds on it or sent to it in the cross-chain transaction. Think of the redeeming Bitcoin address as just a key for the lock address. When you redeem you can choose to have the funds sent to the redeeming address, or instead have them sent to some other address, even if the other address is a P2SH or Bech32 segwit address.
Let’s get started by creating a new Bitcoin address that will be the redeemer. Along with the address, we’ll also need to get the private key for the address. Remember, this address must be a legacy address.
$ redeemer=$(bitcoin-cli -testnet getnewaddress '' legacy)
$ echo $redeemer
$ bitcoin-cli -testnet dumpprivkey $redeemer
While we are at it, let’s create another address where we’ll have the redeemed funds sent.
$ payTo=$(bitcoin-cli -testnet getnewaddress)
$ echo $payTo
Now add the redeemer address, the redeemer WIF, and the receiving address to
our btc2wbtc.js
const redeemerAddress = 'mvTfNujpcQwHaefMxfJRix4vhfNBxSFbBe';
const redeemerWIF = 'cNggJXP2mMNSHA1r9CRd1sv65uykZNyeH8wkH3ZPZVUL1nLfTxRM';
const payToAddress = '2MtfSLeCdCN4rzX6uwdZRSr25Sa1esKe424';
At last, let’s define the transaction options.
const opts = {
// Sending wanchain address
from: '0xa6d72746a4bb19f46c99bf19b6592828435540b0',
// Redeemer Bitcoin address
to: redeemerAddress,
wif: redeemerWIF,
// Receiving Bitcoin address
payTo: payToAddress,
// Value in satshis
value: '210000',
// Storeman group addresses
storeman: {
wan: '0x9ebf2acd509e0d5f9653e755f26d9a3ddce3977c',
btc: '0x83e5ca256c9ffd0ae019f98e4371e67ef5026d2d',
// Generate a new redeemKey
redeemKey: wanx.newRedeemKey('sha256'),
We’ll also want to define the amount of mining fee we want to pay when we redeem the bitcoin. Let’s do that now.
// Total miner fee for revoke (in satoshis)
const minerFee = '600';
Next we will initialize WanX, though now as an outbound transaction.
// New crosschain transaction
// bitcoin, outbound
const cctx = wanx.newChain('btc', false);
And again, we will log out the opts
, in case we need to know and use the
generated redeemKey
console.log('Tx opts:', opts)
Now we are ready to kick off the transaction. The format of an outbound Bitcoin transaction is similar to an outbound Ethereum transaction, except that the redeem is accomplished by just spending the bitcoin out of the lock address.
Let’s add in the chain of promises that will form the outbound transaction.
.catch(err => {
console.log('Error:', err);
And let’s go ahead and define these functions.
async function sendLock() {
console.log('Starting btc outbound lock', opts);
// Get the outbound fee
const fee = await cctx.getOutboundFee(opts);
// Attach outboundFee to opts
opts.outboundFee = fee;
// Get the raw lock tx
const lockTx = cctx.buildLockTx(opts);
// Send the lock transaction on Wanchain
const receipt = await utils.sendRawWanTx(web3wan, lockTx, opts.from, wanPrivateKey);
console.log('Lock submitted and now pending on storeman');
return receipt;
async function confirmLock(receipt) {
// Scan for the lock confirmation from the storeman
const res = await cctx.listenLock(opts, receipt.blockNumber);
const { log, inputs } = res;
console.log('Lock confirmed by storeman');
console.log(log, inputs);
// Add lockTime and txid to opts
opts.lockTime = Number(inputs.lockedTimestamp);
opts.txid = inputs.txHash;
async function redeemBitcoin() {
// Build the contract to get the redeemScript
const contract = cctx.buildHashTimeLockContract(opts);
console.log('P2SH contract', contract);
opts.redeemScript = contract.redeemScript;
// Subtract miner fee
const redeemValue = (new BigNumber(opts.value)).minus(minerFee).toString();
// Get signed redeem tx
const signedTx = cctx.buildRedeemTxFromWif(
Object.assign({}, opts, {
value: redeemValue,
console.log('Signed redeem tx:', signedTx);
// Send the redeem tx to the network
const txid = await utils.sendRawBtcTx(bitcoinRpc, signedTx);
console.log('Redeem sent to network');
console.log('TXID:', txid);
Like with outbound Ethereum transactions, the sendLock
function includes an
additional step to get the outbound fee and to attach it to the opts
before passing the opts
into the buildLockTx
method. Once the lock
transaction is sent, it then waits for a confirmation response from the
Storeman group. Once the response is received it grabs the reported txid and
lockTime and adds the values to opts
, and then builds the redeem Bitcoin
transaction and sends it to the network.
That’s it. Go ahead and run the script.
$ node wbtc2btc.js
If any errors occur, it is likely that it is with the redeeming Bitcoin
transaction. Make sure that you correctly set the WIF in the transaction
. If you need to resubmit the signed transaction to the network, you can
do so with:
$ bitcoin-cli -testnet sendrawtransaction 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